Sunday, January 22, 2012

I Hate School Dances

So you know how I said I get kind of awkward around girls; sometimes its the opposite of that, case in point: the Winter Dance.

The Winter Dance was the dance that the sophomore class had to plan in one month, because we argued for three months over everything. One thing that I know about me, is that I hate conflict. So when everyone is arguing over whether we should have cupcakes or brownies, I'm just sitting there with my mouth shut. Don't get me wrong, I do participate, but I don't like the feeling I get that we are making no progress when we bicker.

Alright now for what happened at said dance.

I had kind of wanted a date for the dance, but I honestly could have cared less. But my friend from school obviously felt different; he got someone to ask me. I would have been okay with it, but it was someone who I never really talk to, I wouldn't have even knew her if she hadn't been in StuCo. So a few days pass since she had asked me, and we didn't really ever talk, just like we never did before. So the night of the dance comes around and we talk pictures and she doesn't really ever talk during the car ride to dinner (On a side note I hate Olive Garden with a passion, anyone who says it is their favorite restaurant should go die in a hole).

So we arrive at the dance, then she goes and works coat check the entire night. Guess who was working the candy booth and helping me make lemonade? My real friends. Thanks guys. I think in the end at the dance she said 5 words to me  6 words to me (I will take out names, as this blog is anonymous) "Bob, Jim is taking me home"

To my friends: Thanks
To my date: What the hell?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

This is me

As i am writing this post, I think "Why am I even writing this? Kids who blog are all scrubs". I think I can answer this question myself, as you may see from my blog title, I am a pretty awkward kid. Its not that I don't have friends, or I cant talk to people. I just am awkward.

Let me explain to you the extent of this inconvenience in my life. I always have a hard time talking to people that I have never been around. It is not that I have no interest in speaking with them, its quite the contrary actually. I get to excited to get to know them that I end up talking to much and dominating the conversation, or I say something completely socially unacceptable. This also happens around girls that I like, people at stores, my boss, etc..

So lets get to the point, I hope that through writing on this blog, I can make my life a little less awkward.

I'm gonna give you a little background on my life. I was raised in the LDS church (Mormons) and I am still an active member today. I have been spiritually confused, and unsure about my religion ever since I moved to an area that was heavily dominated by Mormons. I am a sophomore in high school, I am a very smart child and have been in honors and gifted classes since the 2nd grade. I have never really performed to my full potential in school, often getting B's and C's. I am in Student Council in school and recently stopped doing drum line. Most of my friends from school are other awkward kids in student council, and a few other smart kids (Our school doesn't have asinine teachers in charge of Student Council; the advisor picks kids who will actually get stuff done.) I have a lot of friends out of state who I have met in a summer camp program.

Lets talk about this program. It's for LDS youth all over the world, and is full of attractive girls. When I got, it feels like I'm a different person, I'm not my usual awkward self, I'm outgoing, and I don't ever say stupid things or talk too much.

I have always been better at talking with more mature people, part of the reason most kids at my school think I am a teachers pet. I can just talk with them and I don't worry about anything. This is part of the reason I hate high school, everyone expects you to fit in a certain clique (I hang out with awkward hipster kids) and nothing to be wrong with you. I really cant wait until its all over, and I can leave for college (I want to go as far away as possible).

Well that's pretty much my life.